Here is your opportunity to invest in future creative ministry leaders.

At inCharacter, we exist to train fully-devoted followers of Christ as they develop their ministry leadership potential, all while learning to present the Word of God with a creative edge. But did you know you could be actively involved in supporting inCharacter in an on-going manner? You can be a part of assisting us by supporting tomorrow’s leaders today! Our Ministry Partner Program allows individuals, youth groups, small groups and churches to support our ministry on a monthly basis. 

Simply click the button below to download and fill out your giving form. We have an automatic withdrawal option that allows your support to come directly out of a debit or credit card each month. We have people and groups supporting monthly for various amounts. All of those gifts add up and allow us to continue to pursue the things that the Lord has for us in the training of godly men and women. iC is a 501(c)3 registered charitable organization, meaning that all gifts are tax deductible. We are so grateful for your support of our ministry and pray God blesses you incredibly!